How to vote for a budget proposal

Under construction

Below is a guide on how to vote on budget proposals as a Masternode owner. Within the Helium Governance Network any Masternode owner can vote on budget proposals put forward by the community. You can read a bit more about the Governance system here: LINK TBA. You can find a guide on creating proposals here.

Voting on a budget proposal can be done in two ways: through the Debug Console in the wallet or from the GUI. You should vote from your local controller wallet.

Since voting from the GUI (made available from Helium version 0.16.0 onwards) is pretty much self explanatory, the below describes the Console method only.

Cryptotron has already made a proposal explorer available here: We will continue to work on adding supporting infrastructure. You can also find all information through the console (or command line).

1 - Find active proposals.

There are three essential console commands that give information about currently active budget proposals:

  • mnbudget show will show all proposals and their status.
  • mnbudget getinfo PROPOSALNAME will show info of that specific proposal.
  • mnbudget projection will show the active proposals that have passed the vote and will be paid in next cycle. Note that these commands are subject to syncing and may a while/a few tries to show up to date information.

A sample mnbudget getinfo PROPOSALNAME looks like this:

“Hash” : “ed2f83cedee59a91406f5f47ec4d60bf5a7f9ee6293913c82976bd2d3a658041”,
“FeeHash” : “d83c17a0a9af1c253c5cc5f95651b768a4d044cabf07a386777ee8127e20528e”,
“URL” : “”,
“BlockStart” : 86400,
“BlockEnd” : 129600,
“TotalPaymentCount” : 1,
“RemainingPaymentCount” : 1,
“PaymentAddress” : “SZBnTFogAq5WhoCFZpYrBCPpBLgBrTUGhA”,
“Ratio” : 1.00000000,
“Yeas” : 240,
“Nays” : 17,
“Abstains” : 0,
“TotalPayment” : 1000.00000000
“MonthlyPayment” : 1000.00000000,
“IsEstablished” : true,
“IsValid” : true,
“fValid” : true

Everything is pretty self explanatory. The most important entries when voting are `URL` and `Hash`. The `URL` entry should link to a description of the proposal. The `Hash` is the value that will be used to cast the actual vote.

#2 - Casting a vote.

To cast a vote: note the `Hash` of the proposal you'd like to vote on and open the **Debug Console** (or open a terminal window for the command line).

In the **Debug Console**:

To vote YES with all Masternodes: `mnbudget vote-many HASH yes`
To vote NO with all Masternodes: `mnbudget vote-many HASH no`
To abstain with all Masternodes:  `mnbudget vote-many HASH abstain`

For the example in step 1 the command to vote yes would look like this:

`mnbudget vote-many ed2f83cedee59a91406f5f47ec4d60bf5a7f9ee6293913c82976bd2d3a658041 yes`

And that's it! You have done your democratic duty and the DAO thanks you :)