October 6th: Mandatory update

After some issues with the block reward increase and sporks not working as intended we've released an update that will take care of all the problems encountered over the last couple of days. This update is mandatory and you will need to resync your wallet and masternodes

The latest version is available here: https://github.com/heliumchain/helium/releases

We recommend that you update to version 15.0.2 as soon as possible. If you don't update you'll lose out on staking and MN rewards.

You can find a guide on how to update your wallet and masternodes here:


After updating the wallet everything should be in order. If you are still experiencing syncing/forking issues. Please follow Rzerod's directions:


For questions and support: please join us in Slack

To update the nodes quickly if you use Ubuntu and don't mind using the already compiled wallets you can use the following commands:
tar zxvf helium-0.15.2-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
cd helium-0.15.2
sudo mv ./bin/* /usr/local/bin

P.S. a big applause for @Slacker, @Rzerod, @knout, @spready, @unobt and all the others that diagnosed the issues and helped come up with the solution!